Almost everyone has a cell phone these days and more and more people carry a smartphone of some type, including the increasingly popular Apple i-Phone. You can do so many things with your phone, it feels like a new found form of freedom never before experienced, right? Well, don’t hold your breath. It seems that Apple has just patented a new piece of technology which would allow certain phone features to be blocked at what they term ‘sensitive events.’ What are these events?
For now, Apple Inc. says the feature is largely being implemented for use during rock concerts, cinemas, theaters and similar venues, though admits “covert police or government operations may require complete ‘blackout’ conditions.” What? I’m sorry, did they just say police or government operations? Yes. They did. It seems that it is far too easy for someone to video record police brutality, protesting events and the like that now the government has found a way to see that these things are not able to be documented.
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- Video of Cop Slapping 10-Year-Old Boy Stirs Outrage (Infowars)
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- This is what a police state looks like: ‘You open the door when we come to your fucking house!’ (CNN)
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Filed under: Apple, Police State/Big Brother USA, Science & Technology, USA